2011년 5월 10일 화요일


- 7 Questions to Finding Your True Passion -

(1) What puts a smile on your face?
 - Chatting with my friends and family. Watching TV show.  

(2) What do you find easy?
 - Sleeping, Only planning a day without action, helping others to figure out something that I know better than they.

(3) What sparks your creativity?
 - Thinking business items, Planning my vacation...

(4) What would you do for free?
 - Teaching korean to foreigners, Planning an itinerary for my friends.

(5) What do you like to talk about?
 - Travel experience, about future plan, blue ocean.

(6) What makes you unafraid of failure?
 -  When I feel I don't have any family to take care of  and anything to lose.

(7) What would you regret not having tried?
 -  Not establishing education foundation.

  These questions help me to think about my passion and I could reflect on myself.
  I asked these questions to myself many times when I was traveling alone.  I tried to find what I would do in my future and what I want to be, but I couldn't. Instead of trying it again I decided to think what I could do right now for me and someone else. I didn't have anything to give other people and I only made decision to learn more practice until I would have ability to help someone else and myself. 

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