2011년 4월 24일 일요일


1. It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end
2. A successful career is not a straight line but a wave with ups and downs.
3. Learning from others can significantly reduce your failure rate. You don't have to figure everything out yourself.

2011년 4월 10일 일요일



Campus in Spring
A cherry tree blossoms when spring is coming.
My age is already twenty four. To library, to class I am sick and tired of going.
Preferring a cup of coffee to a bottle of soju,
Unfortunately I have no one who drink it with me.
Spring is the most cruelest time. So lonely.
Is she interested in me? The girl
Next to me smiles, looking pretty cool.

Stolen my heart is
Please give me your numbers
Ring my bell every night.
I am the man you look forward to.
No one loves you better than I. But she is
Going leaving behind me. On a street a cherry flower falls.
Most of you can understand this poem. When I was freshman, I was exactly same as poetic narrator.

2011년 4월 4일 월요일


1. Definition and example of dignity
If someone behaves or moves with dignity, they are calm, controlled, and admirable. 
  Example : Even we have close relationship with our friends, family, and girlfriend, we have to preserve our dignity because we are animals that have self-respect.

2. Find an example of spoken word poetry and post it on your blog. Why does it appeal to you?
It appeals to everyone has this experience so that they empathize with writer. So did I.

3. Research Sarah Kay and Project V.O.I.C.E. What is her story?
Project V.O.I.C.E. (Vocal Outreach Into Creative Expression) is a national movement that celebrates and inspires youth self-expression through Spoken Word Poetry.  Conceived in 2004, Project V.O.I.C.E. encourages young people to engage with the world around them and use Spoken Word Poetry as an instrument through which they can explore and better understand their culture, their society, and ultimately themselves.  Project V.O.I.C.E. brings together performance, writing, and a supportive environment to inspire youth to recognize that their views are significant, valid, and necessary.

Sarah Kay is a Spoken Word Poet who grew up in New York City and began performing her poetry when she was only fourteen years old.  Even though she was often the youngest poet by a decade, Sarah made herself at home at the Bowery Poetry Club, one of New York's most famous Spoken Word venues.