2011년 3월 21일 월요일

More to a Smile Than Lips and Teeth

a. What according to Dr. Niedenthal, is the scientific explanation for smiling?
  Smiles are not simply the expression of an internal feeling. Smiles in fact are only the most visible part of an intimate melding between two minds.
b. How did Dr. Niedenthal and her colleagues begin to study the science of smiling?
  Despite the fact that smiling is one of the most common things that we humans do, science’s explanation for it to be weak.
c. According to the article, is it correct to say a smile is simply an expression reflecting feelings of happiness? Explain. No,  sometimes muscles contract when people are feeling sadness or disgust same as they feel happiness.
That's why we cannot say smile is an expression of feeling of happiness.

d. What are some of the categories smiles fall into? What are some of the distinguishing features of each?
  Smiles can fall into many different kinds and they may be distinguished by certain expressions. For example, an embarrassed smile is often accompanied by a lowered chin, while a simile of greeting often comes with raised eyebrows.

e. Is it possible that people use smiles to gain some advantage over others? How?
  Of course yes. Though there is a real smile, many people make false smile to gain some advantage from others. For example, when we meet someone who has relation with business or studying, we try to show them that we are smiling because we know they will be comfortable and have positive impression with us.

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